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Xishantou Formation
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Xishantou Fm base reconstruction

Xishantou Fm


Age Interval: 
Early Cretaceous, K1xs, (36a,b)


Type Locality and Naming

Eastern Zhejiang. The Xishantou Formation was erected by the Zhejiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources in 1989. The section for the designation is at Jiuliping of the Tiantai County of Zhejiang. It is the middle formation in the Moshishan Gr.

Lithology and Thickness

The Xishantou Formation is represented by grayish purple and grayish green moderately thick-bedded rhyolitic breccia crystal and lithic ignimbrite, locally with tuffaceous dacitic vitric and crystal ignimbrite and sediment tuff, with the top being built up by black gray massive basalt. It is 760 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The conformable base of the formation marked by light gray green rhyolitic vitric tuff is distinguished from the underlying Gaowu Fm marked by gray purple rhyolitic vitric and crystal ignimbrite.

Upper contact

The conformable top is bounded by the appearance of dark purple red massive conglomerate of the overlying Chawan Fm.

Regional extent

The formation is distributed in the Nanlongquan-Shangyu and Wencheng- Fenghua areas. It is complicated in lithology and well stratified and varies in lithology laterally. In the Longquan-Shangyu area, it has a larger number of acid and moderately acid lava partings, and decreases in the amount of intermediate and basic lava. In Baiyangwu of Longyou and Wumen of Wuyi, the rhyolite partings are more than 200 m thick and in Zaoli of Jinhua, the cumulative thickness is up to 650 m. In Taling of Yongkang, intermediate and acid lava is up to 400 m thick, with sedimentary partings of 5-40 m in general. In Wumen and Simingshan, the sedimentary partings are in excess of 100 m in thickness. In the Dongyang and other areas, the Xishantou Formation is intercalated with marl and limestone lenses.

It generally ranges from 700 to 1500 m in thickness, 446 m at minimum and 3000 m at maximum (in Wumen of Wuyi). It possesses lead and zinc ore deposits behind Qingtiantang, Xiaosi, Kingxia of Wenzhou and Chakeng of Sanmen; and copper and zinc ore deposits in Fangzhouting of Linhai; magnetite deposit in Tiankeng of Linhai; and pyrophyllite deposits at the mouth of the Qingtian mountain. In the Wencheng-Fenghua area, it is dominated by acid pyroclastic rocks, with the exposed sedimentary partings varying from place to place. In Shuangqiao of Shengxian, it is intercalated with carbonaceous shale and coal streaks.




In the Wencheng-Fenghua area, the sedimentary partings contain estheria Orthestheria intermedia; floras Coniopteris cf. hymenophylloides; sporopollen grains Classopollis sp. The formation yields estheria Yanjiestheria sinensis in Tangtou of Wushan of Jinyun; Reptilia Changisaurus microrhinus in Muyan south of the Qingtian Village.


The bulk rock rhyolitic ignimbrite shows Rb-Sr isochronous age of 132.1 Ma. Shown as Barremian-Aptian boundary interval in Xi et al. (2019). But radiometric dates for this formation are mainly in 130-128 Ma range => put as late Hauterivian-early Barremian (Guangfu Xing, Jianqing Li, Zheng Duan, Mingxuan Cao, Minggang Yu, Pingli Chu, Rong Chen. Mesozoic–Cenozoic Volcanic Cycle and Volcanic Reservoirs in East China. Journal of Earth Science, 2021, 32(4): 742-765. doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1476-1).

Age Span: 

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    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

It belongs to volcanic eruptive accumulation.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Wan Xiaoqiao